
5 Styles of Parenting August 1, 2021 By Jonas Koblin

“In theory, there are only four styles of parenting. Authoritarian parents are controlling and demand obedience without considering the child’s point of view. Permissive parents are loving, but don’t exert any control. There are no rules. Authoritative parents who are firm but loving. They encourage independence, within limits. Neglecting parents are uninvolved and often uninterested in their own child. In recent years, over-Involved parents, who are present in every aspect of their child’s life, are often referred to as the 5th style.”

Do you know that each child sees you in a different way?

For one child you can be a loving parent whereas for another child you can be a fun parent and so on.

Being a parent it’s a lot of responsibility. Think about it, this little baby will look up to you for care and safety.

As we grow older in our journey as a parent, we notice that one child may be more responsible than the rest and another may need more of your support.

Where do we find the balance?

In my 13 years as a mother I have learned that consistency is key. We need to have a routine for our children and be an example.

As a single mom and my child being homeschool, I am grateful that I have been able to be there for her. I need to check on her from time to time. Sometimes we go over her studies, others we watch a movie together or we go out for a walk.

Your child needs you, no matter how old they are.

We create bonds with our children from infancy. As the years go by we adjust things to be there for them.

If we set boundaries, show respect, and listen to our children’s needs; we start giving them tools that will help them as they grow older.

Why not give our children their best time now?

Source 5 Styles of Parenting – Sprouts – Learning Videos – Social Sciences


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